Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The birds and the fat ball.

A little while ago I filled the bird feeders and got some fat balls out of the shed. In fact I got 5 fat balls out and then discovered that the holder only takes 3 but since I had already re-locked the shed and I couldn’t be a*sed to open it again just to put them away I put them on the bird table*1. The next day I looked out the window and they were gone – can you believe how greedy those birds are? No? Well, neither could I!

Anyway, hubby (who is unsurprisingly taller than me) can actually see the patio out the window (the window ledge is a tad high for my petite*2 almost 5 ft frame) and said he could see one of the fat balls halfway across the patio. The other one was still missing and you know how sometimes your mind goes off on a weird tangent (well mine does anyway, just in case you hadn’t realised over all these years of blogging) and that was it, I had a theory!

I reckon that those fat balls were just too darn heavy for any bird to pick up and fly off with, so they pushed them off the bird table and tried to just roll them on home*3. You can imagine the scene, can’t you – Mr Sparrow heaves and pushes and shoves and rolls and gets this fat ball back to the nest:

“Honey, I’m home – and look what I brought…we’ll be set up for the whole winter!”

Penguin 3

*1which is a small mesh tray attached to the pole we hang the feeders from.

*2Petite? I wish – of course I am if petite just means short, but thighs like mine do not qualify for petite in my mind…

*3 Like Alan Davies’s cats – which is hysterical!

Cheshire Cat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, think furry mammal with long tail (no not me, my less savoury cousin!) I've seen one of our country r-ts nonchalantly roll an apple away across our patio with one paw, so your fat ball should be no problem ;) ='.'=~~~~