Monday, December 08, 2008

Quality Street and quizzes

So, PMB and the SIL go out with us once a fortnight to the pub quiz and we have a lot of fun and suddenly find out just how competitive we all are...!

It always comes to the end of the night, we’ve totted up our scores and we wait with bated breath to see if we’ve made it into the top three. The quizmaster always calls the teams ‘in no particular order’ but leaves the best 3 until last and we are gutted if we don’t get’s a cash prize (a proportion of the takings) but for us it’s not about the money at’s about the winning!

So, the other week we went and when we arrived we found out that it was a pink night in aid of breast cancer. All the people (apart from us, because we didn’t know) were wearing pink and there were special prizes and a raffle etc. We did the quiz as usual and although not especially happy with our score (especially since for some stupid reason we failed to realise that there was a character called Maria in the Sound of Music) we sat waiting for the scores as usual. It was at that point that the phone rang (or at least it buzzed around on the table a bit because it was on silent) and it turns out that it was mother who had arrived at the station early having just come back off holiday and wanted a lift. The original plan was for her to arrive about 30 minutes after we left the pub but there you go, that’s public transport, late if you’re in a hurry, early if you’re busy!

So, we decide to rush out the door to get her and Alan (the quizmaster stops us) – “You can’t go” he says “you’ve tied for first place and there’s a tiebreaker question.” Now bearing in mind this was the first time we have ever got to first place (even if it was a tie), mother or no mother*1 we were going to stay for the next few minutes....anyway, well, you know that thing where they ask a question and the answer is easy because you know it, well it was like that. As an avid watcher of Top Gear and a bit of a closet petrol head, when they asked how long the new Fiat 500 was, I confidently picked a number and was only a few inches won...and because it was a special night, we got a box of Quality Street (what's in your tin?) and no money!

Next time we went to the quiz, it was another special night, this time for Pudsey Bear and Children in Need. People were wearing pyjamas and just like last time, we didn’t know about it so turned up in regular clothes (that’s the problem with going every fortnight, the announcements of what’s happening next week aren’t much use to you!). This time, mother was at home so we had no worries of urgent phone calls and we were all armed with Barclays Bank pens *2 and were ready to go. At the end we knew we’d done well too – no silly Maria answers and we only dropped 6 points in the whole evening! Amazingly for the second time we found out that we’d come joint first and had another tie breaker. Eeek! It was a football based question (no help from me here or hubby, we only watch rugby) so it was all down to PMB who doesn’t really watch football either. Anyway, he conjured up a figure out of mid air and won again...another box of Quality Street!

Ah well, I guess that’s Christmas taken care of and besides which with all my not eating proper food (unless its been 'sloppified'), I could do with the extra calories!

*1Mother had come all the way back from China via Russia on the Trans-Siberian express and now we were going to be late meeting her at the station – that’s pretty poor really, isn’t it. I think we are very bad children...
*2The SIL takes it very seriously that every time she goes to the bank and reads the sign that says please take one of our pens - she does!


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