Thursday, November 24, 2005

The long long wait.......

I promised I would tell the story of my long wait - however boring it is! It really is a tale to make you want to emigrate as it involves the wonderful health service in the UK called the NHS.

After I was referred to the scoliosis clinic, I was told the waiting list to see someone was about 12 months so I was very patient and waited a whole year before phoning them up to bug them. They told me on the phone that the waiting list had extended to 18 months so, a year and a half goes by and I phone them again. Nope, they said – the waiting list is now over two years. Egad, me thinks, but 2 years and 2 months go by and I call again. Well, actually, it’s now three years they say – and bear in mind all this time I’m keeling over sideways with an increasing list to port (or possibly starboard, I never know which is which). Finally, 3 years after my original referral, I call again – oh dear they say, we aren’t taking on any new routine back pain cases, only scoliosis ones. “BUT I AM A SCOLIOSIS CASE!!I scream down the phone. Ooops they say and give me an appointment there and then for ten days later…

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