Monday, January 22, 2007

Draining away (not!). An update

There you go, all that excitement and the men go away. I toddle outside and look at what they have done. The answer? Well, umm, nothing at all to the drain. You see, from my window (and at a funny angle) it looked like they were working on the drain when instead they were digging a hole in the pavement very close to the drain. Shortly after, (when I was out) a big pole was inserted into the hole. It looks just like the lamppost which is 15 ft away from it, but with no light on the top, so now, looking out of my front window I have two big metal poles flanking my property – one lit up at night and one just swaying in the breeze (not that we have breezes here recently, lately its been whipping wildly in the gales) but otherwise (as far as I can tell) completely useless. Hurrah for the council I say!

Oh yes, and as to the drain? Well watch this space, there will be cake here in August (for the drian) and yes….there will be a party, but it will be the last Saturday in July! As to the suggestion of it being a drain party, well, I dunno, people might bring water (or worse) instead of wine….Spitting Out Drink 2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was was the point of them going through all that they did just to leave a completely useless pole behind?