Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Now how did that happen?

I sat here today at my PC and checked my RSS reader for new feeds…it said new LOLcats (always and yes, I do admit to being an addict) and then I suddenly realised that I have been very lax this week and not posted anything at all.Now of course, this may simply be that nothing exciting has happened in my life just now but that’s not strictly true since the BUF and her VNSO came down that the weekend. We chilled, drank wine and generally caught up. It’s been too long since we last did that sadly…

We also watched large amounts of rugby since the World Cup is on at the moment and (I’m sure to the VNSO’s disgust when he gets to hear about it) I am now officially a Tonga supporter. Quite apart from the fact that they have the best shirts of anyone, they also look quite good under them too – and then they played a great match as well…yep – it’s Tonga all the way for me….

My car now has an alarm – OK, so it’s still in a box in the hall because we haven’t fitted it yet, but it at least owns one. On that subject, do you know how difficult it is to just buy a basic alarm? No? Well, most of them wire into the central locking (what’s that?) and then are designed to immobilise the engine once the thieves have broken in. What???? It’s OK to have them wreck the doors as long as they don’t drive it away? I think not – me I want something that screams loudly and keeps screaming (something like “get away from my F*****g car you moron!!!” would do nicely I think) until the said thieves run away (hopefully deaf). I had thought of just wiring it up to the mains but with hubby’s poor memory he’d probably forget to turn the switch off and I don’t want to be a young widow….

Anyway, as I said, nothing much has happened but still I thought I’d catch you all up. BTW, the FIL is home and doing well – he’s up to walking up and down the street at the moment so progress is being made all the time. I guess that’s some proper news for you so that you don’t wholly feel like you have just been peeking into the deranged ramblings of a mad woman’s mind!

Cuckoo Clock

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