Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I know, I know, it’s been ages…..

I know it’s been ages since I updated my blog. One way or another I just seem to have had too much on my plate and TBH I’ve been feeling a bit down.

On other stuff, life is the same old same old with a few exceptions as we don’t have the same old car. Actually, that’s not true as my car (which at 25 years old this year is definitely old) is sitting outside the house waiting for me to jump in and rev it up down the road. I love my car….did I ever tell you that? Anyway, we decided to trade hubby’s car in – it was something to do with the fact that the last time it went in for a service the mechanic said:
“If I’d have found what I found before I did the service, I wouldn’t have bothered. My advice is to get well out of it and buy a new car!”…

…and so we did…

…well, of course it’s not new exactly (what are we made of money?) but it’s very nice and very, very, very (can I say that again?) comfy. At 6 years old and with 61,000 on the clock we thought it was quite good value and so we bought it. It wasn’t until we got it home and were looking through the service book that we noticed something under the ‘Optional Extras’ section and so peered closely at the handwriting – “Engine” it said, fitted at 49,000 miles. Ummm, good value turns into great value, when your engine has only done 12,000 miles - which is nothing for a Toyota. Even better though was the fact that I wondered what it was doing in that section of the book – I wouldn’t really have thought that an engine was exactly an optional extra in a car, would you?

Car 3

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