Thursday, February 05, 2009

Private versus NHS

I don’t think I mentioned before, that through some quirk of fate, I currently have BUPA cover and so was able to get my operation done privately (and therefore faster). I can now confidently report that in private hospital you get your own room (very nice) and an en suite bathroom (also very nice). The downside is that the loo paper was very cheap and in an effort to look as much like a hotel and as little like a hospital as possible; there were no handrails in the bathroom. Interesting, given that people are having surgery there...

On the subject of the staff, I don’t know what to say. In the NHS, in my experience, you have an incredibly dedicated nursing staff who are, more often than not, rushed off their feet. In amongst all of this, most of them try and make you as comfortable as possible and do the best they can (especially given how many people they usually have to cope with at once). Of course, access to them is often fairly quick too, as you are in a ward with other people, if the nurses don’t answer your buzzer, 3 other people will press theirs too and there’s usually someone fit enough to toddle out of bed and get help in an emergency. Private’s not like that - you’re in your own room and there are more staff. It means they have more time to spend with patients and so they do. This means they’re not out there in the corridor spotting who’s little red light is on and needing help. Friendliness and helpfulness first class...access to them? A bit hit and miss, it seems...

I guess when it all comes down to it, apart from the single room thing, the main difference is the food and I missed out on most of that. Having been checked in at 9.30 and on my way to theatre at 11am (out about 3pm if you’re interested in such things) and then nil by mouth or water only for the next 36 hours I only got one day of the food and then it was the famous ‘sloopy’ stuff. It was beautifully presented though on lovely china and with plate covers to keep it warm and all. Very nice food too...

The question is, given that there are pluses and minuses to the NHS and private, would you pay out all that money, just for good food? I don’t know that I would – the thing to my mind that you pay for is no waiting list and quick treatment at a time convenient to you. At the end of the day, if you are having surgery it’s all the same, they chop you open, you wish for pain relief and then you start to get better and get home as fast as you can!

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