Wednesday, September 27, 2006

On dogs and their humans….

Today I was walking in the park (yes I am still doing this) and I got further than I’ve ever got before (yay for me!). I managed to make it all the way to the new bench on the big bend and by the time I’d got there I just had to sit down. I didn’t see the malevolent bench that lurks in the trees (see Evil Grin 2 entry) so I have no idea if it was off terrorising the bowling green or maybe just behind me waiting to leap. Whichever, I didn’t sit for too long, just in case, and started out for home as soon as I could.

On the way back I passed a little fluffy haired old lady and her little fluffy haired dog. I’ve passed her before and we've never spoken, but today she said “you’re doing well today – aren’t you?” which I took as a real compliment – total strangers noticing my progress – amazing! Anyway, I fell to wondering (as I do), whether I have been a topic of conversation for the dog walkers in the park, who often seem to hunt in packs of two or three (that’s the walkers, not the dogs). We have a good selection of dogs and their walkers and it’s just like they say, lots of them look very like their owners. I actually have this theory with dogs and cats, that they actually own us, not the other way around – I mean, they are cared for, provided for, fussed and walked and all we are is servants. Worse than that, with dogs is that their humans then seem to copy their hairstyles too (or maybe they just choose a dog to fit their hair??). Anyway, we have a nice selection. There’s the lady with the curly black hair who has a big black poodle, the little fluffy haired lady with her fluffy haired dog, the dog with the bald patches who’s man has a bald head and the girl with the lovely sleek haircut who has a Doberman. We have one lady who has 4 dogs and I think she looks a bit like all of them depending on the light, but never like to admit I’m thinking it in case people think I’m rude!

Anyway, there’s lots of evidence to support my theory – you only have to look at:
and this article from the New Scientist:
and this one from Science agogo
and for the really dedicated among you – lots of pictures of people and their dogs..
Dog 2

So, there you go – enough wondering for today I think – I’ll just go off and see if I can add something more to the ironing pile …

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