Monday, October 15, 2007

Well, hello there…!

Well, as you can see, I am back. Although I am thoroughly jet-lagged and still fighting the urge to drop off to sleep at 8 o’clock in the evening. I have discovered that two match sticks, strategically placed between my eyelids is doing the trick at the moment!
Asleep 3
It seems incredible to me sometimes to think that we can travel around the world so fast, although the barmy world of time zones completely befuddles me. When I left it was Sunday lunchtime and I arrived at 10pm Monday night (boy that’s a long day!). I emailed hubby to say I’d arrived OK and he got it Monday lunchtime – supposedly 8 hours before I’d sent it. Is this making any sense to you? Yes? Well, lucky you ‘cos it confuses the hell out of me!

On the way back, I left at 6 am and finally arrived home at 10pm the same day – how does that happen(?) – especially when according to my watch I’d been travelling for a straight 24 hours – how do you fit in 24 hours between 6 am and 10pm? I know they say that time flies when you’re enjoying yourself, but it wasn’t even as if I was having a good time.

I so do not recommend long haul flights if you have any amount of metalwork in your back. They shape airline seats to fit tall people with bendy backs, not short people with rigid rods…and what makes it worse is that I have such short little legs that my feet don’t reach the floor properly. Woe betide if they give me a seat with extra legroom, all I do is slide forward and down off the seat when I sleep and end up having to be rescued from the most undignified of positions. Give me a seat where your knees are in the back of the person in front any day. Wedge me in – please!!

Now, before I go, I just have to tell you about turbulence – imagine (if you will) a 12 hour flight where there was turbulence for about 10 of the 12 hours. Now I was told no roller coasters, no white water rafting and no hot air balloons (!!! ...yes, that’s what I said…) when I got my rod fitted – but they never said anything about turbulence – but I reckon now, if I can do 10 hours like that then its Alton Towers here I come…*1


*1Well, maybe not really, as I wouldn’t recommend it from a pain level point of view….but hey, nothing broke (I hope!)

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