Friday, August 01, 2008

Did I ever say purple was my favourite colour?

I have had to have a lower leg brace (or AFO as it is officially called) to stop my right foot from turning in and under. It seems nerves in your back can do funny things and too much tugging on them can cause all sorts of unwanted side effects in your extremities. Anyway, I went for my plaster cast and first fitting and was asked “what colour would you like this in?”. “What colour can I have?” asks I. “Anything you like“, the guy says.....umm, that’s how come I ended up with a purple leg brace then!

So my leg (as I have come to call it) arrives and it turns out to be very purple indeed. In fact, it even has purple straps and just to be really colour coordinated matches my wheelchair too. Nuts eh?

Anyway, I was away last weekend and saw an old friend who asked me how I was getting on with it and how useful I was finding it. I admitted that driving had been increasingly become a bit of a problem with my foot turning and my ‘leg’ had made life a lot easier.

“D’you know”, I said, “It’s like driving with a foot on the end of your leg instead of a mop...”

...I don’t think she’ll ever accept a lift of me again!

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