Thursday, August 21, 2008

Without wit here

I have been trying to think of some nice witty story for you all, but so far nothing has really come to me. It’s not that life is going badly, quite the contrary, but just nothing really funny has happened to report on. Life generally is pretty ok at the moment – a little fly in the ointment when hubby was made redundant but he’s getting interviews so we are hopeful for a new job soon. His employers were, of course, perfectly reasonable about the redundancy, giving plenty of warning etc. It went like this:

  • Thursday (out of the blue): “We’re putting 3 of you ‘at risk’ – one of you will go!”
  • Note, one of these people has loads more experience than the other two so was never an option ...they should have said 50% of you will go...
  • Wednesday (following, one year to the day that he joined the company): “you’re the one going...”
  • Friday: Receives final wage slip...on his birthday....

Life just isn’t fair sometimes eh?

Apart from that though, as I said, life is pretty good, but I have been very busy. I have spent the last few days packing, unpacking and then packing again as I am away on a trip again soon (more in a few days on that) and despite the fact that I know what I should be taking I keep checking my lists, noting that I’ve packed whatever it is, but then rooting around in the bag until I find it ‘just to be sure', and then having to re-pack because I’ve made a mess. Then of course I started sorting out cables. OMG, what’s all that about? I need the cable for the phone, the cable for the camera, the cable for my iPod, the cable to connect the modem to the wall, the cable to ...well you get the idea! Of course, most of these things will charge off the laptop, but then I need the power cable for the laptop too...And, in addition to all that, I currently have 5 different lists in 4 different rooms and still don’t know if I have everything I need or if it will all go in. I think I will get back to you when I am a little less frazzled by it all....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish your husband a speedy and sucessful conclusion to his job search. Just wanted to let you know I've been following your blog postings for about three years now, ever since I started lurking on the NSF forums prior to having my own scoli surgery in 2007. Your writings have made a difference to me and I belatedly wanted to let you know I'm grateful that you decided to share your experiences in this way.
Thank you. Steff