Friday, September 12, 2008

Eek, it's poison ....

...maybe it was orange???

Anyway, a few days ago we had to go to the Ambassador's for a reception in a marquee in the garden. This marquee had very posh carpets and chandaliers but I'm guessing it still qualifies as a marqueee as I think the sides may have once been some kind of reinforced material....before the wallpapaer was applied (actually I am joking about the wallpaper!). Anyway, it was very nice, with free flowing drinks and lots of people wandering around with little trays of canapes.

The following morning P of O * didn't feel very well. She had a bit of Beijing belly and after a while came over grumbling;

"I dunno", she said, " Come all this way to China, just to be poisoned by your own Embassy!"

Poor thing, but it didn't half tickle me!

*Phantom of Opera or Physio of Our-flat whichever you prefer....
BTW, she is better now....

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