Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So, here I am....

So, here I am, home again. Back to normality and news. Hubby has been a treasure while I’ve been away and I came back to well fed cats and a clean house – I have no idea what it all looked like 24 hours before I came home but when I came home it all looked fab....well, apart from the hole in the hall ceiling that is.... I hasten to add here that I don’t think hubby was doing somersaults on the landing or using a pogo stick over enthusiastically in the hall to ruin the ceiling, I think we had what is known in the trade as “sudden ceiling collapse”! I’m sure when we bought our house (which was built in 1896), our surveyor said something like “your ceilings are original and they might fall down at any moment” but in true it’ll be fine *1 fashion, I chose to ignore it. Now, before I went away, the BUF and her VNSO came to visit and we were discussing the crack in the ceiling which seemed to be growing day by day and I did mean to get in touch with the plasterer but, um, well, you know how it is....

Anyway, as to how sudden it was, we are really not quite sure as poor hubby went away for the weekend and came home to a pile of rubble on the carpet. The only witnesses were Clumsy and Grace and they’re saying nothing. Me, I suspect that they had one of those thunder up and down the stairs moments and the whole lot collapsed, but they’re not owning up to anything!

My only other news on my return was that Hubby had not only found a new job, but had actually started work too. I don’t think it’s exactly what he would have chosen, but it pays much better than the dole so he’ll stick it out for a bit.

Normality seems to be returning.....
I'm Back

*1I say this a lot

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