Friday, September 05, 2008

A change of name emerges....

EO is now E2O as it was her birthday yesterday. She got another Eeyore to add to the collection so that’s it. We have discussed the new name and she is happy! I did think of calling her E2TSSO, as she also had a teddy, sheep and snake, but that seemed a little extreme....and before you all start wondering why a grown woman should be getting such a menagerie for her birthday, I should add that they were largely good luck charms for her trip!

I am now settled in and unpacked having travelled halfway across the world for a 2 day stop and then on to China. All is well in the world and the sun is shining – so far there isn’t even too much smog! Considering I am here for what could be a pretty stressful time, I am actually pretty unstressed and enjoying myself...although there’s always time for that to change.

Yesterday I had one of those silly moments where a photo was taken that I will probably regret forever and will be face-booked around the world if I am really unlucky. I was trying on one of those silly hats (the ones like a giant top hat with bells and lawd knows what attached) and discovered that trying to fit it on my rather small head (I normally wear children’s caps etc) was indeed a foolish notion. I put it on, resting on top of my glasses, then took them off to clean them and the hat slid right down over my nose, over my chin and only stopped when it reached my shoulders. To add insult to injury, the top of the hat was then dressed with a wig and I was forced to have my picture taken (if I get a copy maybe i can post it) multiple people. All this in 30 degree heat – I was only allowed to take it off when I made sounds of asphyxiating woman from under the hat! Egads, I have some cruel friends....!

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