Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh no – I can’t move my leg!

So, a little while ago hubby took me to the cinema (I can’t remember now what it was to see but we have had a superhero glut with Iron Man, Incredible Hulk *1and Hellboy 2....and we love all that fun stuff!). Anyway, we went to the cinema, did the usual – hubby bought exorbitantly overpriced popcorn Popcorn and I went for the strangest Ben and Jerry’s combinations I could find (Cherry Garcia with Chunky Monkey Ice Creamanyone?). We headed into the auditorium and sat down, all excited like and that’s when the trouble started.

“I can’t move my leg” I whispered to hubby....

Well, that’s not completely unknown in my world of wonky wiring so I gave hubby my ice cream and started tugging on my jeans...

“I really can’t move my leg!” I squeaked (feeling a little alarmed that it had maybe gone into some kind of spasm and was locked in place)...

Hubby gives me the drink, popcorn, ice cream, his coat and the ticket stubs for me to juggle while he gets down on the floor and grabs my leg....

“OMG!” He says “I can’t move your leg either!”......then.....”Oh, you dope, you’ve got your leg brace trapped under the seat!”

Turns out that when I had sat down on the flip down seat, the back of my leg brace had got trapped under the folded down seat (being exactly the length from the floor to the underside of the seat) and just wedged me in.....all I had to do was stand up and lo and behold, my leg started working again!

*1 Marvel have been very busy over the last few years

1 comment:

Wheelchair Dancer said...

Gosh -- I laughed hard at this. So sorry. But I did. Smile.