Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Decisions decisions....

I guess this is where my story starts to get just like anyone else’s who is considering scoliosis surgery. Of course there will be many parallels in my history, progression of pain and magnitude of the curve, but not everyone has any other spinal abnormalities.

Many long hours have gone into considering whether I should have surgery or not. My sideways lean has now gone over so far that if I don’t bend one leg when I stand I am in constant danger of falling over but still, every time I have a relatively pain free day I wonder if I’m doing the right thing or not.

These pictures show my curves nicely – the one with the line on it shows the actual location of my spine.

I look at them and think it can’t be right to be walking around like that – especially not when it can be straightened – if not totally, at least to a sensible level. If I leave it and it gets worse then all sorts of internal organs get squished and it is going to get more and more painful – so why aren’t I just jumping up and down at the prospect of getting it done? Actually jumping up and down is not something I’d be much good at since nature did not bless me with that good a control of what my legs can do. But still, you get what I mean!

Anyway, it’s a big operation. There are lots of risks to consider, it will hurt (of that I am sure) and altogether it’s not a decision to be taken lightly. I spent many months agonising whilst waiting for my next appointment at the clinic to see the surgeon again. The outcome of that will be another posting. Still, at least you got to see the scary pictures of me without a shirt…

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