Tuesday, August 08, 2006

6 months ago today….

It seems hard to believe that 6 months ago I was sitting on a hospital bed waiting to go down to the operating theatre and less than 24 hours later (ahead of all expectations) I was out of intensive care and back in the same ward. OK it’s true, I was flat on my back and feeling rather groggy, but the operation was over and had been a great success.

So, here I am 6 months on and I feel pretty great. I’d be lying if I said that I am completely healed (so I won’t) and it’s true I’m still getting some pain from my rib removal site (but maybe wouldn’t do if I was a bit kinder to my body), but mostly I feel, well, great actually. Just recently I’ve been feeling fitter than I have for years too – my lung function had decreased so gradually I had no idea it wasn’t perfect, until they made a bit more space in me for my lungs to work properly. You wouldn’t believe how much fun breathing is these days!!

Of course I'm sure that there will be those people who tell you that since I now use 2 sticks to walk outside that things are worse, but my major lurching limp has gone so in fact I think my walking is much better – and anyway, my physio says 2 sticks or none, so it looks like I’ve been doing it all wrong for the last few years anyway. There will also be people who say that because I am now using my wheelchair more, this means that things are worse but in reality, I am just being more sensible! So – all you pessimists out there – don’t listen to yourselves, listen to me instead – things are so much better for me it isn’t true!
Other things that may interest all the twisted babes out there – my heartburn is hugely improved (I’d like to say gone as I have been heartburn free for a couple of weeks and am nearly off the tablets but I’d like a few months free before I count all the chickens*1). I haven’t had problems swallowing for about 3 months so that’s brilliant too. Muscle spasms have nearly all gone and my worst pain is either from my rib removal site (which will heal in time) or from my lower back (where I have arthritis).

So, as updates go, in many ways there’s nothing to report except that life is good – and oh yes, am I happy I had it done? Well, I have an amazing (nearly) straight body and I am wearing clothes I would have felt uncomfortable in before. My pain levels have much decreased and my surgeon has given me the kind of future I feared I might never have.
You bet I’m glad I had it done! Clapping 2

*1 Including those that have actually crossed the road

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pips, I have been following your journey.I have been so happy to read of all your achievements and experiences. This milestone of 6 mos. is something to celebrate! (Mine is in 14 days!) I wish you continued success in your recovery and will raise a glass and toast you this evening! Thank you for sharing what you have been through it has helped me more then you know. Suzy