Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Was he or wasn’t he?

Some time ago, hubby went out and when he came home he was a bit on the merry side having had a good evening with his mates at several pubs…need I say more. In he comes *1 discarding clothing and tripping over the coffee table. *2

Me: (Tapping rolling pin against leg*3) “You’re drunk!”
Hubby: “No I’m not although I will admit to not being sober.”

If anyone can tell me the difference, please put the answer on the back of a postage stamp and send it to me. Ta!*4

*1 Lurches? Staggers? – You decide…
*2 Actually he didn’t do this – I just thought he was going to at one point so have put it in for comic effect. Now please imagine he did and go back to where you were reading last.
*3 Of course, anyone who knows me will know that I’m not a great lover of using the rolling pin – not when I have to go out to the kitchen to fetch it anyway…Seriously, I was glad hubby had a good evening out – he works too hard earning enough money to keep me in the manner to which I would like to become accustomed and has had a pretty rough time of it over the past few months what with all the looking after me and the worry of me and the running around driving me everywhere (hey this is all me, me, me and I was supposed to be praising hubby!). Of course, I can’t be too mad at hubby for getting tipsy as I expect him to be just as laid back when I am finally allowed to drink copious quantities of alcohol and do my own staggering. OK OK, I know I stagger around enough without the booze but hey, stop being critical…
*4 I am hoping that this is a good way of getting free postage stamps as I think without the postcard they will be too small to go through the franking machine at the Post Office.

I just realised that this post is more footnote than post. I blame PTV myself for introducing me to the perils of HTML.

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