Friday, December 14, 2007

The mystery of food groups

Since I travel a bit with big groups of people I get the chance to look at lots of peoples eating habits (some more disgusting than others) and it never ceases to amaze me at they way people eat.

For myself, I eat quite normally I think, but I always save my favourite mouthful for last – and I never eat the last few chips (french fries) on my plate. *1. Hubby always puts a bit of everything on his fork – not for him eating all his peas first (or whatever)! The VNSO does exactly that though , he eats in food groups - but I have a sneaky feeling that he too saves the best for last. Someone else I know just shovels everything in until they get hamster cheeks and then if whatever food they have stored in their hamster pouches turns out to be bony, then they just do the old spittoon thing with the stuff that’s indigestible (Yew!)!

In addition to that you have all the stuff that we do, or don’t eat – the stuff we like and dislike. For myself, there are probably more foods that I won’t eat because I dislike the texture than those that I dislike the taste. EO is the same (but worse than me) as she doesn’t like grainy food, squeaky food or rubbery food. Hey, I’m with her on the rubbery – oh yes, and I can’t abide jelly – fine with ice cream, but on meat? Ack!
Isn’t it all very weird?

*1I blame my mother for this, always telling me that I couldn’t get up from the table until I had cleared my plate even if I hated it. She also used the ‘think of all the starving children in India’ thing on me and I was forever telling her to ‘pack it up in a box and send it to them’…I was precocious, even as a 5 year old!

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