Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wine boxes – empty or not?

We often have a wine box on the go in this house – I often like a glass and it saves me being forced into drinking a whole bottle in one go (of course apart from when the BUF is here – its almost compulsory then!).
Cheers 4
Well, the FNG*1 was here and the conversation turned to wine (I don’t know how… how does alcohol ever get into a conversation?) and the subject of wine boxes came up. I mentioned that there was a glass left in ours and then another one once I had worked my magic to get the last glass out. This involves doing a kind of mouth to mouth thing to the valve and blowing into the box. You then open the cardboard top and as you turn the tap you squeeze the bag – the extra air pressure forces out the last few drops. I call this my ‘blowing up the bag’ trick and it works every time!

Now I thought the FNG would be horrified that I was so impolite (mind he knows me so he’d hardly be shocked) but he went on to tell me that he too has a trick for emptying the bag. It’s not quite so uncouth as my version (and probably a lot more manly) – as he just opens the top of the box, takes the bag out and cuts the corner off with a pair of scissors – boring but effective!

I have since discovered that many of my friends (even the ones who have enough money that they don’t need to be grubbing around for the last glass in the box) have their own tricks for getting it out. I sometimes wonder why we all bother though – it’s the last glass, it’s the oldest and it usually doesn’t actually taste that great!

*1Friday night guy

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