Friday, December 21, 2007

Wine boxes and duvets

I got to wondering after my last entry, if there are so many ways to empty a wine box, then how many ways are there to change a duvet cover? I used to be one of those who held on to the duvet corners and cover corners and stood up with my arms held high above my head and (hopefully) the cover would drop down over me and the duvet in one easy action. The problem with this is that if you have rubbish balance, you usually fall over in the process, the cover and the duvet both conspire to roll you into some kind of knot and then you end up in a major panic ‘cos you can’t find a way out. So, unsurprisingly I gave up doing it that way….

These days I am much more sensible, although unless I remember to shut the bedroom door, I get a lot of cat related help. Bugalugs in particular (no, I keep telling you, that’s one of the cats, not hubby!) loves freshly ironed sheets and as soon as a fresh sheet goes on he’s on the bed rolling over and over as if to say “you didn’t iron it properly mum – look at me, I’ll help!”. I do love him, but fresh, furry sheets are not really the thing, are they?

When it comes to changing the duvet cover he is even more helpful, wriggling inside the cover then getting a good grip on the corner of the duvet as it goes into the cover. Now, once he has that grip, he calls his sister and then she will get in there with him. That’s it, one of them under the duvet and one on top, both inside the cover – it’s usually at this point that they forget that they are supposed to be helping and they start to squabble over which of them wants which bit of duvet and a minor scuffle ensues. Now this usually involves trying to turn the duvet into some kind of a sausage shape that they can hide inside and swipe at each other …and me, if I am fiendish enough to want to get them out!

At this point, I usually give up, go downstairs, pour myself a very stiff drink (or at least a glass out of the aforementioned box) and then rattle the cat crunchy box. As soon as they arrive I try and rush out the room before they notice and get the door shut really quick so that I can go back to un-knotting the duvet in peace – something that will take another 45 minutes…

I don’t know, and people ask me what I do all day….

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