Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The MIL – Part 3 - Home time soon

The MIL is doing well and should be home tomorrow. Things seem to have gone on just the way that they should have in hospital and she passed her stair test yesterday (oh, I remember those heady days….). The physio is very pleased with her progress and she is apparently already able to cope with her own sticks rather than crutches. The FIL is still a bit worried though so he has arranged with a friend who is a ‘big strong man’ to give her a lift home rather than me. He approached this subject very carefully, saying that he didn’t want to hurt my feelings and muttering something about the friend being steady driver and not speeding (I’m telling you, it’s nothing but a rumour guv!). Seriously, my feelings are all intact, I am just really happy that they have someone they can trust – after all, I wouldn’t be much help if she decided to have a bit of a wobble – hip v. back, I wonder who’d fall on top of who….

On another subject (and briefly if I can), I had a visit from someone last week and I was going to blog all about it because it was a good (and useful) visit. I found myself idly thinking what acronym I could use for my visitor and had decided on the SPF*1. It was only after I wrote it down that I thought, "
hey ho, that looks familiar" – isn’t that what it says on my sun tan lotion bottle? I racked my brains for something else, but eventually decided that SPF would do just fine – since she is so tall, next summer I will take her out with me and she can shield me from the sun just by standing next to me….Sun Bathing 2

*1Sports psychologist friend

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