Thursday, October 26, 2006

The poor ole MIL – part 2

Well, it finally happened – the MIL went into hospital for her hip and they managed to do the op instead of booting her off home. They duly got her out of bed after 24 hours so it looks like all is so far going to plan despite the FIL muttering things about doom and gloom and how nothing is ever quite as good as it seems. Still, that’s good too, because it means everything is quite normal in the IL household – they are just like my dear departed grandmother, never happy unless there is something to complain about….Blinking

Anyway, she’s off her PCA pump and onto tablets, although she claims that was because the PCA machine was getting in the way. When I was in hospital, nothing, and I mean nothing *1, would have prised that little PCA button out of my fingers – as it was I was considering asking them to surgically graft it on to me in case I lost it in the night….I would even have considered marrying it if I wasn’t already taken.

Anyway, fingers crossed all round for a speedy and pain free recovery, please.

*1 and I include a visit from the Chippendales*2 here…
*2 Go on the know you want to......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear MIL is doing well. Kind of takes you back to when you were the patient, I'll bet.