Monday, October 02, 2006

Nothing much happens...

So, I woke up *1 to find that Bugalugs*2 had one foot in my ear, another braced against my chin and was drooling down my neck. It was an interesting start to a day….

Today is the day that the MIL*3 goes in for her hip replacement. She is still highly suspicious of anyone who tells her that she will be out of hospital in less than a week and that it is a routine procedure as she bases her hospital experience on an extended hospital stay (for something which would now be routine) which took place over 50 years ago. Even my recent operation has not convinced her (“Ah, but you’re much younger than me” *4) and so I hope that she will be pleasantly surprised by the whole experience – and as delighted with her results as I am with mine.

All this leads to the fact that when hubby woke up (he did not have any feet in his ear as far as I know) he looked out the window and it was raining. Now I know this makes no sense, just ‘cos the MIL is going in for surgery does not logically mean it will rain (not does the lack of feet in the ear), but that’s the facts, he woke up (no feet), looked out the window and it was raining. In fact, it was more than raining, it was p*ssing it down and he just didn’t fancy walking the mile to the railway station. “Why not?”, I asked “Character building” I said (no I didn’t, I’m just making that up) – what I said was – “you’ll have to take my car, I need yours today to get your mother to the hospital. She’ll never manage to get into a 2+2 sports coupe before she’s had her hip done*5” – so he did….

A while later the phone rings:
Me: Hello, yes?
Hubby: I just thought you’d like to know I got to the station safely in your little car and didn’t scrape it round any of the corners in the multi storey car park. I even managed to find all the switches. There was one small problem though.
Me: Eeekk, is the car OK? (Please note wifely concern for hubby)
Hubby: Yes, fine, it’s just I kind of fell into it – it’s a long way down into it isn’t it?
Me: No (indignantly) – it’s just it’s a long way up into any other kind of car

A stunned silence follows…..

*1 I feel that it is good to do this, at least once per day.
*2 Just in case you need reminding, Bugalugs is not hubby, but is one of my cats.
*3Mother in Law
*4 Conveniently overlooking the fact that I think a hip op would be a walk in the park (no pun intended) by comparison.
*5 Actually I’m sure she could get in, but she’d never make it out and as much as I like my MIL, I don’t want a permanent passenger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope your MIL will be o.k.