Friday, February 09, 2007

A comment on yesterday

So, a year and a day eh? (don’t worry, I shan’t do this every day- ergo- a year and a day, a year and two days, a year and….well, you get the picture!).

I just thought I’d leave a brief note on further updates on my back (for those of you mad enough to want to check up on me). I intend doing an update every 3 months for this first (second) year and then we’ll see if there’s any point in doing any more. In the meantime, there’s always space in my blog for more dribble - oops, sorry, that should have said drivel, I was just thinking about chocolate at the time and it sort of slipped out. No, don’t be so gross, I didn’t need to mop up the keyboard or anything…..

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