Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I have been nominated for an award

I have been nominated for an award, which has totally mystified me as I have no idea why they thought of me. Now don’t get me wrong, I know I’ve done a couple of unusual things in my life that are noteworthy (like having spinal surgery for one), but I didn’t expect to be nominated for anything, let alone this.

Let me explain – out of the blue I had an e-mail from a college tutor saying he wanted to see me. Now I resisted this initially ‘cos he’s not my type (OJ!) but was intrigued so toddled off to see him. He had decided to nominate me for an adult learner award – as a couple of years ago I decided (somewhat foolishly) to do a school exam in physics. Now in itself that doesn’t sound too mad, except that I had never done any science in school and was having some problems comprehending what an atom was, let alone trying to understand such alien concepts as pressure, torque, moments, magnetism, waves and quantum mechanics*1

So, mad woman that I am, not only did I do a GCSE in the subject, but got persuaded to carry on and do an A level too. Funnily enough, I mostly enjoyed it (apart from the maths and apart from the aforementioned quantum mechanics….) and I thought that that was that. Having learnt why sticks look bent in water and how electricity gets down wires and also that neither of those things have anything to do with little green men was enough for me….

So, why nominate me for the award? He wouldn’t say, just that I was the first person he thought of. I’m thinking at this stage that there is an age limit associated with this and it’s none too flattering – still regardless of the reason I’m chuffed just the same!

*1 Have I lost you yet?Confused 5

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