Friday, August 31, 2007

The Prince and the frog

The other evening we went out, me, hubby, my bruvver and his lady. She was muttering things about divine intervention and nature taking its revenge on the careless and so we had to find out why.

Now, to understand the story, you have to know that my bruv is easily distracted in the way that only the brainy boxes are and he often forgets stuff because there’s usually something more interesting to do. Now, HL had gone away and came home while bruv was out at work only to find the back door wide open. Having established that no-one had ‘had it away’ with the telly or the stereo, they finally came to the conclusion that when he had put the bin out the previous night, he had simply forgotten to shut the door – probably been distracted with working out just why E should equal mc²or something like that…

Anyway, understandably, HL was upset and angry, fearing that she could have been murdered in her bed (had she in fact been at home!) and in the way that only wives can, she was determined that he ‘should not be allowed to forget’ his misdemeanour. So, poor bruv was in the wife’s bad books when he got up to go to work the next day. He crept miserably downstairs and picked up his shoes from the conservatory where they had been for the last two days, went to the bottom of the stairs and sat down to put them on. “That’s odd”, he thought as he was about to put his right shoe on. “I don’t remember leaving any socks in these shoes...” So, he fished into the shoe to pull out the sock and had a real fright as the sock suddenly said “Ribbet” very loudly and jumped out into the hall! Turns out some frog had come in through the open door and had taken up residence in his shoe!

HL thinks it serves him right…nature getting its own back and all that…and does she let him forget it? No, of course not, but is she still cross with him? No way! She’s still too busy laughing….

Frog 4Frog 5

1 comment:

Pete the Van said...

Reminds me of the time I had a mouse stuck in the lining of my shoe - the cat had brought it in. I couldn't work out why I couldn't get my foot in no matter how hard I pushed.

Mouse survived, though a little breathless...