Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Mobile phone ringtones

You have to wonder sometimes about why people use different ring-tones on their mobile phone. Is it their favourite record (I admit to having tried this but heavy metal just doesn’t sound the same …grin ) or is it just what’s fashionable like the Crazy Frog thing? (And despite what people think of me I am not so annoying that I ever tried that!). Well, I’ll tell you what I use and why. The simple ‘why’ is that all the things that came on my phone were really, really awful except one. I have a Motorola phone *1 and they’re quite common *2 so imagine (and this is true, believe me) – all those people who can’t be a*sed to download anything new try all the ring-tones that come with the phone. They too find that they are all really, really awful except one – so they use that one. Result? Phone rings in Tesco and twenty people all start digging in their handbags and pockets…MobileMobileMobileMobileMobile

Anyway, back to me – ‘cos this is my blog and I can write about me in it if I want. I use the Mission Impossible theme – corny huh? Well, it represents the fact that I almost never get to it in time to answer it – that’s where the Mission Impossible bit comes in. Is it buried in the bowels of my handbag, amongst discarded sweet wrappers, a purse, a swiss army knife, keys, a tape measure, a nail file (why? When I have a swiss army knife), a lipstick (again why? Have you ever seen me wearing it?) and a dozen other things that may or may not belong to me? Or, is it simply in the lounge when I am in the kitchen? (I am so slow that I could be beaten in a race to get to it by a tortoise riding on the back of a slug!) If it is in the lounge, there is every likelihood that it could be under the sofa*3 where the cats have probably tried to hide it in order to muffle the irritating ring-tone. It could be just about anywhere in fact…

You see…what and why……

BTW, I do know someone very close to me who has a very normal ring-tone for their everyday calls but uses the special ring-tone of the Addams Family just for the mother in law….

*1I have a pink V3 – I love it and this does not make me a poser or chav – I just like it – OK? Threatening
*2 Yes, you’re right, pink V3’s aren’t that common – but it seems that Motorola use pretty much the same ringtones for all their phone models.
*3 If you don't get this link, here's a hint - look at the pictures.

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