Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Everyone’s seeing red now…..

So, last week I went to the hairdressers and came out very different to the way I went in! I have always had my hair (very*1) short, but over the time I was in hospital and recovering I ended up not getting my hair cut and so it grew – a lot! (Well, a lot for me anyway!). I had lots of nice comments about how I looked nice with longer hair and so I decided to keep it for a bit but have to admit that I was finding it pretty hard work. I have what my hairdresser calls ‘strong hair’. Now most folks would take that as a compliment but actually it’s just a polite way of her saying that unless we style it to death I will look like a scarecrow ‘cos my hair just does what it wants to do. This has meant that I have over recent months become very well acquainted with my hairdryer and wonder of wonders had to buy (and learn how to use) hair straighteners. Well, anyone who knows me will know that I am the kind of girl who want to wash and go – faffing around with my hair is not really my thing and so after much discussion with my hairdresser I decided to go a bit shorter again. I’ve not gone back to the days of ‘shave it up the sides and back and leave it a bit longer on the top’, but still it’s shorter than it was.

We’ll, then we got to chatting about Christmas and how its nice to be cheerful whenever you look in the mirror and how bright colours really suit me (well, that’s what she said and it’d be her I’d be paying the money to if you get my drift) so….I have gone red – not auburn, not ginger, but red – well, red violet to be precise *2 ! It’s wild and I love it….Christmas here I come…..

*1Scrap that and read ‘very, very’ short.
*2This is not me, but you get the idea…..

1 comment:

lynne said...

sounds like you are ready for Christmas!!! Red is hip! --Ly