Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I know I know…

…I’m back again but this is only brief (and nicked from another blog too) – I just thought it was an interesting way to waste time…

Here are the rules. (If that's what they are...)
  1. Grab the nearest book.
  2. Open the book to page 123.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.Books
  4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal/blog along with these instructions.
DON'T search around and look for the coolest book you can find. Do what's actually next to you. (I actually wonder what would happen if you did this with every book you own – if you put them together in the best possible order, could you get a sensible story? If you did, what about copyright?)

Anyway, mine came up with this:
He’d scarcely dare hope that someone as wonderful as Christine Copperfield, someone as cool, confident and popular as the class Girl Most Likely had not got better things to do with her fabulous, exciting, fulfilling life than log on to Friend’s Reunited.” (Ben Elton ‘Past Mortem’ - which I am just about to start reading)

I considered this to be an odd coincidence as I have had very little at all to do with Friend’s Reunited (which is curious in itself as I now discover, turning the book over for the first time and reading the back, that it is actually all about Friend’s Reunited). Now before I head off digressing again, I know it is odd that I hadn’t read the back, but its not like I bought it or anything, Hubby bought it and it was just there sat on the shelf looking at me until yesterday when I finished my last book and was grubbing around for something new. Anyway, back to Friend’s Reunited and my limited contact. A whole ten years ago I tried to find Hubby’s best friend from college days as it was one of Hubby’s significant birthdays and I wanted a nice surprise. I also thought giving him a whole person would be a pretty cheap present as all I would have to pay out would be some minor rental charges to the friend’s wife or significant other! As it happened, I wrote to newspapers and did some research but the guy has the commonest surname on the planet (no not Wong, commonest British name!) and so I struck out and ended up having to spend a fortune buying hubby a stereo instead. He doesn’t still have said stereo, it having had an accident with a tin of paint quite early on in its life! Anyway, back to Friend’s Reunited. A few years later I was idly browsing their site looking for people from my own school and discovered the only person registered was the class swot who is now a high powered Hong Kong lawyer on an enormous salary (listed in her entry!OMG 3) So, as you do, I decided to just check my brother’s school (and maybe spot a past boyfriend?) and Hubby’s college too. Would you believe it – there was hubby’s birthday present! So, what next – should I wait for the next significant birthday or should I just rush in headlong. Well, I e-mailed the guy without mentioning anything at all to hubby and we made plans in secret for us to meet him and his wife at their house. One weekend I packed up the car and gave hubby a map reference and asked him to navigate me there – You can just imagine the conversation:

“What’s this”.
“It’s where we’re going today”.
“It’s the other side of the country!!!!”
“I know, I thought it would make a change to take a nice long drive…”

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