Friday, May 05, 2006

This, that and the weekday blogger

Firstly down to business - I have added a few new links to the links page. There are a few more blogs (springing up like flies now) and something to do with aging with scoliosis which I didn’t read because I am so young –
please stop shrieking with laughter Laughing 5 – isn’t it about how old you feel? Good job this is over the internet though and I don’t have a web-cam – I can’t have you seeing what a raddled old hag I really am! Ugly

To digress slightly (a rare event), I have no idea whether flies spring up or not. The one in our lounge yesterday didn’t for sure. One minute this poor defenceless bluebottle was buzzing against the window and the next it was leapt on and beaten up by my cat (the cute girlie one). She beat it up so hard (so much for cute then) that the poor thing died and it lay there with its legs in the air. Well, I just left it there on the floor (no bending allowed - remember?) to wait for hubby to come home. In wanders the other cat – he pokes the bluebottle with his paw to check that it really is dead and then chomp, chomp swallow, eats it. Yew – gross…I know he didn’t like his breakfast much and its extra protein and all that - but still…*

Finally, after two paragraphs, I get to the title of my posting! I wonder if you have ever noticed that I update almost every weekday and then am really, really quiet on a weekend? This is because I am not normally quiet on a weekend (assuming that I am not recovering from major surgery of course) and having a non quiet weekend usually means not using the PC much. Even now, weekends are the only time that I get to spend time with hubby so, (and I’m really sorry here) – I’d rather spend time with him at home than on-line with you. I think this must make me something like a fair weather golfer and wonder if bloggers are normally either weekend bloggers or weekday bloggers. Do you think it’s worth doing a survey?

* I have to say here that no flies were hurt in the making of this blog and that the bluebottle in question is now very happy in fly heaven.


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