Monday, May 15, 2006

Umm, is not asking doing wrong?

I may as well ask whether omission is the same as telling lies really. The situation is this – I was asked to go away for the weekend but it involved a journey of about 130 miles (each way). Now I know at the moment that everything I have asked my surgeon if I can do or not, the answer has been “no you can’t do it” so I decided not to ask…and I wondered, well, umm, is this wrong of me? You see, right at the moment, I am starting to feel much better – much more like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s true that I’m not what I was, but regarding this I can do nothing more than breathe a huge sigh of relief (yes, I can really breathe!) and in many ways I’m more like a teenager than I have been since – well, since I was a teenager really! It’s only now when I am starting to recover enough to see the benefits, that I realise just how bad things had got and why everyone was telling me it was a good idea to get this op done. Anyway, I don’t mean to go rambling on about the op, I was gonna tell you about my weekend…

Hubby abandoned me to the care of Best Male Buddy (BMB) for the weekend and he took me in his car all the many miles. 50 miles down the road we had a short stop which turned into an hour and I took pain killers and wished I could add alcohol to them to face the rest of the trip! Anyway, at about 100 miles I asked to turn around and go home but since it was closer to get there than back, we pushed on. Gawd, the roads in this country are bumpy and they get bumpier the further you go – why is that? Anyway, we met up with a bunch of friends, some very good and a couple who I hardly knew. Conversation over dinner Saturday went something like this:

BMB: “Hey Warped Woman, you know B, don’t you?”
WW: “Yes, we met about 2 years ago but I don’t think we’ve ever chatted”
B: “Well, I know the name and I’m sure I’ve seen you before but I can’t place you at all.”
BMB: “She used to walk with a lurch like this”
(Grossly exaggerated imitation of major limp ensues)
B: “OH YES! I do remember you – I’ve seen you walking!”

BMB and I will have to have a serious chat…I was very hurt when I mentioned that it was all an exaggeration and he said it wasn’t!
With Baseball Bat

1 comment:

WarpedWoman said...

I wasn't really *that* hurt - I know BMB was joking around! I have promised not to hit him over the head at the moment as he is my BMB, but may do so if he does it again!