Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Good news (I think….)

I have just got back from physio and I have been discharged – “never darken my door again”, she said - or something like that; it might have been "come back if you have any problems" – but hey, they’re almost the same – it’s easy to get confused…

Anyway, in a nutshell she is really pleased with my progress and feels that we have reached a point about as far as we are going to get together. She feels that anything else we could do would just be “trying to get back nerves that you haven’t got” (quote unquote!). She has a point too! I have instructions to carry on walking with the two sticks when outside, since my posture and walking ability is vastly improved with the extra feedback that I get through my hands. I have no doubt that it not only makes me faster, but also much safer! (No more grabbing hold of complete strangers for me as I keel over backwards!) I have also had instructions to use the wheelchair for anything involving distance and not to be stubborn about it – partly because if I am to walk I am supposed to do so properly. If I am tired or in pain then I will not walk well so I am to be a good girl (like always, of course, what did you think?!) Halo . At least it gives me a nice comfy chair in which to have a rest (not that you get a lot of rest when your wheelchair doesn’t have any handles!). If I wish to progress to one stick for short distances then I am allowed – especially for practical things like carrying stuff – but – I must use it in my left hand – eeek! That’ll take some getting used to! There’s a practical reason though – I still have a right hand curve in my spine so don’t want to end up leaning into it and affecting my unfused section, now do I?

Apart from that, I am to continue with all the excercises which help my balance and stuff. More than that, I may have to get extra specialist physio in particular areas, but for now, her work is done here…..

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