Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The all new P.W.S.B.K awards

I have decided to launch the all new P.W.S.B.K awards. PWSBK (pronounced pushbike *1) stands for “People Who Should Be Killed” and as an acronym is rather apt, since all the people nominated should not be allowed to drive anything with more than two wheels!

Let me present the first nominee and outline the position.

Hubby and I go shopping. I am using my wheelchair and need
a wide space next to my car door so that I can easily get out of the chair and into the car. For this reason, we park in a disabled car parking space which is extra wide for easy access. Shopping is completed (along with coffee and cake) and we return to the car to find this:

The little runt of a car in the middle has just squeezed into the space that plainly isn't a space! Well, we did not key his car or smash his windows (as much as I wanted to). He is however the first nomination for this award. If you know who he is, please tell him that he is owed a knuckle sandwich…
Fighting Mad

BTW, if you have any nominations for crappy parking (of any description), please send me the photos. No- I am not publishing my e-mail address for all to see – if you know my e-mail address, great, send them to me – if not, leave me a comment and I’ll get back to you. I don’t think it would be too wise to say – "hey big world wide web – send me photos, any photos……"
Shocked at Computer

*1 I’m Welsh – of course it’s pronounced like this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should have left a firm but nasty note so the idiot would realise what they had done and hopefully would learn from it! What a nerve!