Friday, June 23, 2006


Well, I had it – my review appointment that is….

It was good news, good news, good news all the way. You are looking at a girl (OK so you can’t actually see me I know) who is now free of restrictions. I can drive (yes, yes yes!), hoover to my heart’s content (just in case I would want to) and get back down the gym and the swimming pool and anything else that takes my fancy. I am to build up slowly and be sensible (hahahahahaha) but within reason I can do anything I want. There was no news on whether I could roller skate but I think I need these to do that and don’t have any in the house.

Anyway, after pitching up at the brand new swanky spinal unit at the hospital, I did all the usual stuff, got asked how I was, showed off my (awesome) scar and went down for x-ray. Wow, that was easier than I am used to! You see, they ask you to stand on both legs equally – now, if you are tipped over to one side as far as I was, all that makes you want to do is fall over sideways! Not so now - I stood up nice and tall and got my new x-ray taken. Here's a great before and after shot:

So, yes, I still have curves (and ones in my spine too) but I am older than most scoliosis patients and had a pretty inflexible spine to start with. In addition, my consultant was keen to get a balance between correction and maintaining as many flexible levels as possible. It is for this reason, he doesn’t want to do the top curve (more good news) unless I have any problems with it in the future – he just said they’d keep a close eye on it. They will also keep an eye on the fact that I now only have one flexible joint left at the base of my spine and that is going to have to do a lot of hard work in the years ahead. I mentioned that I still have a lot of pain in that area (see earlier entries about low grindy pain which I’ve had for years) and he said that he didn’t see that changing. Just for once, I actually got to see the Head Honcho, the Scarlet Pimpernel himself(!) and he was really very nice. Of course, he was very pleased with his own handiwork (not like I’ve had anything to do except heal, after all), then shook my hand, shook hubbies hand and said that he would see me in 3 months time.

So that’s it – isn’t it amazing news?

I shall do the next scoliosis (or should that be ‘post-scoliosis’) update on or around the 8th of July. I will be 5 months post op at that point. Mindless drivel will continue in the meantime….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whooo Hooo you've got your wheels back!!!!!!

Brilliant news!!
