Wednesday, June 14, 2006

How do you breed this type of builder?

We need some work done on our patio and side path. We don’t have a ‘pet builder’ so I did what you are told is the right thing – picked someone who was a member of a trade federation, went for the mid priced quote and went with my gut instinct on the manner and professionalism of the guys who came out. I picked one and he was due to start on Monday. So, on the Monday morning 2 guys turned up and said that they were the sub-contractors for the job (all fine and dandy so far!). After much sucking air in over teeth at the work (having not seen the site before) they started digging and breaking up concrete and all was hunky dory until Tuesday. Tuesday they sucked in lots more air in over their teeth and said the job couldn’t be done for the money. So….. “What,” I asked “do you want me to do about it?” – “Well,” they said “we don’t know, we’re just not happy and this bit alone will cost £300-400. We want to do a proper job but at this rate we will be working for (thrusts hand into pocket and pulls out a handful of small change) – this!” – he says dramatically!!! Money Eyes

Fine, say I, but that’s not my problem – my contract was with the original builder – you should speak to him. “We have”, they said “and he says it can be done for the money, but we want to do a proper job” (I think trying to suggest that I wouldn’t get a ‘proper’ job unless they did it themselves). “That’s it”, I said, “I’m off to phone the builder”. This I did and he told me that I shouldn’t have to have this kind of hassle and that would call them and let them know that they were off the job. Seconds later, a mobile rang somewhere outside – there was a heated discussion and a certain amount of yelling and then lots of clanging as tools were hurled into the wheelbarrow – and then - they went!

A few minutes later my builder rang asking if I was in and followed it up with a visit less than half an hour later. “I’ll start with my own boys tomorrow – same job, original price, don’t you worry about a thing”. Just keep your fingers crossed…..

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