So, last weekend, PTV and HLW and YS*1 came down to stay and we all went to a car rally special stage which took place inside the Millenium Stadium in Cardiff. It was a pretty good evening all in all and I think everyone enjoyed themselves – lots of smoke and the occasional car running into the (plastic) barriers – you can’t complain at that.
For me, the only thing that marred the evening was a (not so) small child who was sat up on the back of the seat behind – his parents decided to leave before us and as he tried to get up to go, he slid down off the back of the seat extending both feet straight out in front of him. Whomp! Straight in the middle of my back! My first thought was ‘OMG, what if he bent my rod, I’ll be stuck in this position’ before I decided that really no great harm had been done apart from a bit of soreness. He, in typical uncouth youth fashion didn’t even stop to say sorry or to see if I was alright. Anyway, without wishing to sound too crabby about how I felt about his (complete lack of) manners, I just hope he gets acne when he reaches his teenage year, that’s all I can say!!
Anyway, I woke up the next day stiff (expected after so long on one seat) but mostly OK. By Monday I was feeling a bit bruised. By Monday night I couldn’t lean back against a hard chair I was feeling so tender and on Tuesday I took an hour to get out of bed. Wednesday I was getting grumpy as it wasn’t improving and Thursday I felt like I was getting there…. Today I am still sore but its now liveable with so…..
…I shall add that to the list of things I have discovered you shouldn’t do with a rod in your back*2 like:
- Fall backwards out of your wheelchair at speed.
- Sit over the rear axle of a vehicle on a road with pot holes.
- Endure more than 1 hour of turbulence in an aircraft
- Get kicked in the back with both feet by a ten year old
…now they never told me those things in the hospital along with no white water rafting and no roller coasters – I must remember to enlighten them!
*1Youngest son *3
*2 An expression commonly heard by my close friends which goes “You try doing that with a rod up you’re a*se!”
*3 They also have ES (Eldest son), who has left home (see PTV’s blog) and MD (middle daughter) who is a star in her own right.