Friday, January 06, 2006

The rotational aeroplanes...

Someone once explained spine rotation like this to me and it kinda makes sense. Imagine each of your vertebrae is a little aeroplane with a pair of wings (well, they would have, wouldn’t they?) – and all the little aeroplanes sit one on top of another. If your spine starts to curve/topple off to one side the little aeroplanes end up banking to try to stop falling off the pile. For some reason (probably easily explained by a pilot, or a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon or other clever type person) they always end up banking in the direction of your curve and this gives a rotational component to your curve. All scoliotic spines have an element of rotation like this. Thus – I have two curves – my lumbar curve goes left and so does my rotation – it is a bad curve in a small space so I don’t notice the twist so much because of the small height it occupies. My thoracic curve is longer and curves to the right as does my rotation. At the top of my body, my rotation is quite noticeable – especially to me. When I look down past my errr chest (please note how polite I am), I can only see my right foot – my left one is completely obscured by my left urmm (oh heck – I can’t be too polite about this) boob! I can actually see how far I rotate quite easily. Little pilots must be working overtime….

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