Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Some similar musing...

Sometimes I think too much (I talk too much too but maybe these things go hand in hand). Anyway, I was kneeling on the floor in front of the washing machine and fell to wondering about my new body and what it will be able to do. OK, OK I know that sounds strange and but yes I was kneeling and maybe I should explain...

It's not as if I am so religious I feel the urge to fall to my knees many times a day. In fact I do fall to my knees quite a bit when I overbalance (I once did so with a full cup of coffee and didn't spill a drop which I found (and still do find) very impressive!). Anyway, I digress (again!). I kneel a lot in the average day; I load the washing machine, put away the groceries and all sorts of other stuff on my hands and knees rather than bending. I have strong arms and shoulders, especially for a woman and I just hoick (is that a word?) myself back up to the vertical by hauling on the kitchen worktop or whatever is handy. It works for me, but will I still do this the same way after my op? Something else I do is 'help' my feet into the car or into a precise position by tugging on my trouser leg with my hand - actually its such an unconscious thing for me to do this that I am not even really aware that I am doing it. It's just that recently I was quite surprised when a friend that I have known for ages commented on it having just noticed me doing it. Of course once someone points something like that out, you suddenly become aware just how much you do it – like the kneeling!

Anyway, I know that lots of people worry before their op about how their flexibility will be affected when they have a long rod in their back but that has never bothered me. Because of the spina bifida and the type of rotation I have, I can’t twist very much and most of my back just simply does not bend (hence the kneeling again) - but I’m wondering now, will I have to learn a whole bunch of new tricks just to be able to load the washing machine?

Maybe I should just use a laundry service and then I wouldn’t have to wonder about any of this ever again!

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