Friday, January 06, 2006

Today I phoned the hospital…

Today I called the hospital as I have heard nothing about my operation date and I am now approaching the magic 18 month figure on the waiting list. (I think the hospital gets fined if they keep you waiting over 18 months so the chances seemed good that they might be able to give me some news). Besides which, the longer it goes on the more twitchy I get about the whole thing – I want it over with – and then people keep asking me when’s the big date like I’m getting married again or something! Actually, that’s a fib about the ‘big date’, but they do keep asking me when it is likely to be. To get back to the phone call, the person who spoke to me said she had no idea why I hadn’t been called in yet, but good news, they did know I was still waiting. That’s the good news?? Anyway, she sounded worried and puzzled in equal measure that I was still ‘dateless’ and told me she would find out what was going on. A call back is promised when the left hand finds out what the right one is doing…….

1 comment:

WarpedWoman said...

Hey, pertaining to the digestive issues, check out check several paragraghs down
Lynne at

Posted by Lynne at 3:57 PM, 7/1/2006