Monday, January 02, 2006

Can you get anecdotal heartburn?

I get heartburn. Well I bet you think that's really exciting and what has it got to do with scoliosis. Strangely it started just a couple of years ago and it works like this. I go shopping, I walk too much and my back aches. I got to bed and go to sleep. At 3.30am (sometimes 4am) I wake up in agony with heartburn. It doesn't matter what I eat or drink - I eat curries, drink coffee and tequila (not in the same mug) and put all sorts of rubbish food in my mouth and don't walk too far and I don't get heartburn. I eat steamed chicken and rice but trip the light fantastic (exaggeration I admit) and am in agony!

I have a very nice doctor who gave me all sorts of tests and lots of tablets before she came to the conclusion that it was a "mechanical" problem. She thinks that with the curve and rotation of my spine (I must explain rotation at some point as its fun) - my spine lies too close to my stomach valve these days - I do too much, around it gets inflamed, presses on the valve and the next thing you know I've got acid trying to escape via my mouth. What makes it worse is the following morning I can't swallow my toast 'cos my food-pipe is sore.

Anyway, to the anecdotal comment - this is me, but I've discovered other people get this too - weird huh? So the big question is this - will they make it better once they slice me open and stretch me out on my own internal rack?


Anonymous said...

I get it too. all the time now. I'm like an old lady with my tums & pepsid---same symptoms----------------Lynne (hoperully soon to have surgery)

Posted by Anonymous at 1:49 AM, 5/1/2006

WarpedWoman said...

Hi Lynn - firstly, good luck with the surgery and many thanks for the comment - its so nice to feel you're not alone.... Lets hope we both get off the tums afterwards!