Monday, January 30, 2006

Did I mention that I talk a lot?

I was wondering if I had mentioned that I talk - a lot!
Well, I do! Hubby says it's because I am on my own all day and I have to make up for it the rest of the time, but I don't know if his theory holds water as I talk to the cats during the day (I know, I know I'm sad, but at least they don’t answer back - much!) Actually my last cat used to answer back a lot but that's another story and one that would just bore you - so I'll resist the temptation to start on yet more rambling...

Well, my lovely hubby took me out to lunch recently and I was discussing the fact that I have talked endlessly about this operation. I've talked and he's listened (well, most of the time - that is, all the time he's not been glazed over with boredom). Besides him, I have only really spoken to 2 other close friends (you know who you are and Thank You!) and I've probably driven them mad too with all the gory details. But the fact of it all is this - I need to talk about it - and that's need with a capital N. The only way I have been able to get all of this OK in my head is to explore every option and discuss it over and over. It helps, it really does. Funny thing is, that the blog does the same for me. I write, I read and re-read, editing bits here and there and correcting the stuff which isn't really right. It crystallises what I think and what I feel and leaves me knowing where I've come from and where I'm going to on this journey. And so, dear reader (I just put that in 'cos I've always wanted to*) I recommend it as a bit of self therapy!

* Any ideas where this Dear Reader thing comes from (answers on a postcard please) - I know I read it somewhere but where? Oh blimey, that'll drive me mad now and then I guess, suddenly next Monday (at 2 a.m. or some other equally stupid time) I'll be doing something completely unlinked and it'll pop into my head. That is so weird the way that happens, don't you think?

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