Wednesday, April 05, 2006

8 weeks post op – nearly human?

Well, here it is – 8 weeks post op. It seems amazing that it has been so long and the year is flying past me at an alarming rate. There’s so much stuff I want to do, getting together with friends and getting back to filling my life with all the stuff I used to that I am suddenly getting stressed out by the fact than summer is almost here. Well, of course it isn’t really, but if the next 8 weeks passes in the same blur as the last 8, it soon will be!

Anyway, at 8 weeks how am I? Nearly human seems to sum it all up. There are times (especially just after I wake up and haven’t moved much) when I actually feel like I am completely back to normal – then I get up and the illusion is totally shattered! Seriously, even after I am up, I can move much more freely and am in much less pain. Of course I’m still on the pain meds so it may just be that as my pain levels have gone down, the tablets are working better but still….

I am still slobbing out in the jogging bottoms (umm I think you’d call them track pants in the US) but I can see a time shortly when I will get back into my jeans – yay, denim! Obviously I won’t be painting on the really skin tight ones(!), but I will feel much more normal to be wearing ‘proper’ clothes. Only thing is, I think I may have to buy some news jeans because of my ‘growth spurt’. I know my legs aren’t longer, but my waist is higher so all those ‘on waist’ jeans are going to be mounted a bit higher and unlike in Victorian times, showing a bit of ankle is not exactly what I want to be doing….

Ha Ha

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