Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A whole bunch of firsts

I am now 10 weeks post op. Wow – so where did all the time go? Astoundingly, I am still not really bored – much to the amazement of everyone it seems. I suppose, although I am still in the realms of doing a bit more each day, I still take a fair amount of time out just resting, reading or watching the box – in fact anything that doesn’t require stretching or bending. Ummm that would be most things then! I am now finding that I can sit forward unsupported pretty well (although it’s tiring) and it’s opening up a whole new world – using a knife and fork for example and sitting at a table!!

In fact, this brings me onto a whole new subject it’s that of firsts…you see, I just realised that from now on, I am going to have a whole new bunch of firsts. I already started with a night out down the pub (OK OK, it was just a couple of hours and I stuck to fruit juice) but all ways round, it’s starting to get pretty exciting. There are loads of new experiences that I am looking forward to. I know that you are all going to think that I am totally loopy, but I will be able to sit up straight when I do stuff now and it’s going to make a difference.

Mostly I think I am looking forward to the cinema as over the last couple of years it has been increasingly painful to watch a film (and I love films). It’s partly been that it’s been painful to sit for so long, but also that I leant over so far that however I sat a seat arm jabbed into me – I would spend 2 hours or so squirming next to hubby and worrying him. It’s just a shame that there appears to be nothing on but grot right at the moment. Mission Impossible 3 is about to open but I don’t know where you would categorise that on a scale of rubbish to fab. There’s Pink Panther (umm didn’t anyone tell them Peter Sellers is dead?), Alien Autopsy (with those really irritating little squirts), some romantic comedies (which are not really my thing) and a whole bunch of horror movies. Some of them I quite like (suspense rather than gory) but want to watch them at home so I can leave the room or hide behind the sofa during the really scary bits (hee hee!). I have to say that “Firewall” looks pretty good but on our home grown scale of cinema, rental, TV and aaargh (ignore), looks like much more of a TV or rental movie. Cinema is really reserved for BIG special effects films (King Kong was the last thing we saw*) – partly cos the local multiplex is pretty expensive, but mostly cos hubby would get really fat if he ate that much popcorn** every week!

King Kong was a mostly fun film but overlong in places – some sections got distinctly silly and used up all your suspension of disbelief points*** available – it even borrowed some from the next thing you would be likely to see (or even several next things!). Effects were good tho’ and wouldn’t look the same on a 14” portable…
**I know, popcorn is the less fattening snack – but not with that much butter on it…..
*** BTW, full marks to anyone who knows about real "suspension of disbelief points" (hubby, you are not allowed to claim the points - I know you know!)

Oh yes, and just in case you are interested – I like these films:

Bond (among my favourites) Ghostbusters Frankie (both serious science of course) Shrek (and most other fairytales for adults) Star Trek (and pretty much any sci fi) Lightsaber Fight (ditto)
I also like courtroom dramas, thrillers, suspense, disaster movies and shoot ‘em ups along with a whole bunch of other stuff. Did I mention that I like films?

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