Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I met someone!

Oh, there you go again - thinking the worst of me! Actually it was a woman I met (in fact 2 women), when I was out. Yes I was out, fulfilling a long held desire to go out somewhere nice and have great coffee and even greater cake - long held that is since I had the op. I have to say at this point that the cake was carrot and yes it was delicious!
Cake Cake Cake
Anyway, back to the meeting...

...it was great to bump into friends while out - just one of those random meetings that you have. I haven't seen them since before the op either so it was even nicer. The odd thing was that I was using my wheelchair. The fact that I was using it wasn't odd at all, I couldn't have walked far enough to get my coffee and cake after all; it was just odd because these friends (despite me having had the chair for ages) had never seen me in it before. It wasn't mentioned, and I don't think they even really noticed (after all, I am so short, you can't tell if I'm sitting or standing most of the time!), but it struck me as weird afterwards; I don't mean weird that it wasn't mentioned, just weird that it was a first. A very, very good friend of mine asked to me some time ago how I would feel if people I knew saw me using my wheelchair when they haven’t before (mostly because I stubbornly refuse to use it!). I thought for some time but couldn't answer, but I did think that I wouldn’t feel right. Well, in fact, it was fine and I felt just like me (surprise surprise!). I think since the operation I have developed a new relationship with the wheelchair and have decided that it’s the right tool to be used in certain circumstances – a bit like using a hammer to hit in a nail instead of using a shoe!
Hammer 2I'm hardly going to use it to go down the pub but to help me go round town without pain and fast enough to get back to the car before the pay and display ticket runs out, well, it really has its place.

All this is a long way from going out for coffee and cake and meeting friends by chance, but despite the fact that I flaked out, tired and getting sore by the time I finally got home, it was all really nice. D'you know, I think I may be getting better.
Happy 7

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad you are doing well...keep it up! ps. I was just working on a carrot cake recipe last week & it came out good(I guess cause it's all gone........Ly