Thursday, March 23, 2006

Always a step back…

…before one forward of course!

Well, I’ve been expecting it, but it’s still a disappointment. Today I am pretty sore again and don’t feel like doing too much at all. I decided to do a quick update to my blog and then go back and slob out some more in front of the goggle box. Thanks goodness for the Commonwealth Games – saving me from repeats of daytime soaps and gawd knows what else. I don’t even really feel much like reading although I may get back to some later. I have had a pretty varied list of reading material that I have gone through over the last few weeks from Jeremy Clarkson, Bernard Cornwell, J.K. Rowling, Clive Cussler and Janet Evanovich through to Dean Koontz. Read into that what you will, it’s a pretty eclectic mix but doesn’t contain much in the way of classics! Also on my ‘to read’ shelf is some Bill Bryson, Stephen King, Tom Sharpe and Ben Elton along with a huge pile of Sudoku books (note to self, do not mention before Christmas/birthday that you like Sudoku – I had enough sudoku presents to drown in last year). BTW, psychiatric commentary on my choice of books will not be appreciated!

Enough of books, I’m off to my comfy chair! Suffice it to say that I am still better than I was a little while ago and in the way of these things I know I will be on the up again tomorrow. In the meantime, please all get out your violins…


Anonymous said...

pips--- seems your body is healing everyday. I'm sure some soreness is to be expected...hang in there-Lynne

Anonymous said...

No violins sweetie but I have good days and great days and then bam! A terribly shitty, oh my god I'm dying

It's just the way it is. baby steps girl. Just take baby steps and day by day. Soon, we will be great and wondering why we didn't do it sooner in our lives.

Of course, I want to do all kinds of stuff right now like clean my house, do my laundry, cook meals again every night. Gah. Being told to sit still
