Thursday, March 16, 2006

Scars 'n' stuff

Well, I thought it was time to get a picture up here of my great scar - it doesn't show it all since it curves round both front and back, but you get the gist. This was taken at 4 weeks and a couple of days post op and the big white dressing is the one covering my chest drain site. Yeah, I know, my chest must be in a funny place, looks more like a high waisted drain site to me but I guess they had to make the hole somewhere! You can still get to see some of my preggo belly but I did try and suck it in a bit (hee hee!). The piccie also shows a bit of my thoracic rib hump – funnily enough I think that sticks out a bit more now - but it may just be 'cos I don't seem to have a lumbar one any more! You see, precisely where my dressing is in the photo, there used to be a big lump sticking out and now it’s gone. I actually keep wondering where it has gone and almost half expect it to pop out again suddenly in much the same way that Alien does in the first film! Anyway, if you are desperate to see a better picture of the new style rib hump you'll have to go look in the album - I just didn't think it was interesting enough to post here.

Another bit of news (that I think is really great) is that my nerve pain is settling a lot. Last night I actually took my evening dose of nerve painkillers 30 minutes late. Given that a week ago I was crawling up the walls for an hour before they were due and pondering on the various options of screaming, crying, throwing something or even contemplating amputation (from the neck down, of course), then this is a major step forward. When the painkillers wear down now, it is like a major dose of ‘restless legs’ – I can bear to be touched (phew!) and I am even contemplating jeans (if I can get them done up over the belly!). The one and only time I tried jeans since I came home, the feel of the fabric itself was enough for me to tell hubby to pull them off quick (and just not for the right reasons) and that was while the tablets were working! I won't be stopping taking them for a while (that's for sure) but at least things are starting to get much more manageable. Every day I feel a little better in some way, but this is a biggie....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking good girl! Wow, I am amazed at your scar. Front and around. I gues mine would look that way too if they had done it differently. I have a 12 inch scar on my belly. No one gets pics of that until the swelling and bloating goes down. I look

But you are looking good. Feeling better every single day is a great feeling isn't it? :D

Oh, I am so not ready for jeans until I get my belly down. I can deal with them rubbing on my left legs nerve issues but not over my bloated belly.

Have a great day girl!
