Friday, March 03, 2006

Some piccies for you...

Aha, I have finally decided to get round to posting some nice piccies for you. They're not the greatest images as the pre-op and post-op were taken held in front of the bedside light in the hospital rather than pinned on one of those fancy lit-up boards but you should be able to get the idea. With any luck I will get better pictures at my follow up appointment and then you might even get colour?

These x-rays clearly show the progression between Oct 2003 and my pre-op (2 weeks before my surgery). We have worked this out to be about 10 degrees which is an eeek amount - take that forward year by year and you'll see what I mean! The apex of my bottom curve has got very sharp in the intervening 2 years.

You can see my nice shiny metalwork (actually I have no idea if it's shiny, although I do know it's colour coded) in the last x-ray. You can also see the upper curve that they didn't do and to all of you who think it's not very straight, the picture below shows just how far off vertical I used to be and where I am now. Any more straightening and my paralysis risk would have gone through the roof - it's amazing what they've done - eh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pips-you are looking good!!! Lynne