Tuesday, February 07, 2006

07/02/06 - Checked in

That's it - I've left her! - at the hospital, that is. The ward seems nice - efficient, friendly staff and the bed has "Homer Simpson" buttons (you know - bed goes up... bed goes down... bed goes up...).

All the usual disclaimers signed, we saw one of the surgical registrars on the spinal tap - I mean spinal team - he sounded very confident, and showed us the Bending X-rays taken during her pre-op assessment, explaining that they would hope to achieve at least the amount of correction displayed by bending contra-curve, so to speak; but the main aim is to get her head back over her centre line.

Anyway, the irony of it all is that after days of worrying (I hate surgery, and can hardly believe what we can get away with doing to the human body these days), I now seem a lot calmer - just as the Little Woman is starting to feel the first signs of tension. But she's still feeling very positive and practical, as usual.

She's scheduled 6th on the morning list tomorrow - probably about 11.00 to midday start. That'sproviding they still have an ICU bed available for her to go to after.) Visiting hours are up to 8pm, so I hope to see her post-op tomorrow evening (even if she's still out for the count) and will leave an update later.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Give her my best. I know she'll do fine.
Gah, I wish I was gonna be around to see how she turns out but I go in Thursday morning for my surgery.
Oh well, I'll be able to check in here when I'm done.

Kat :)