Friday, February 24, 2006

24/02/06 - almost there

Well, she's not had a bad day today - "pretty comfortable" all day, she said. Famous last words... not half an hour later, it seemed her last painkiller had worn off (8am, 1pm and 10pm - strange distribution; we'll fix that when she gets home). She had one of those spells where she couldn't sit or lie any way which would ease it, but we worked something out, with a bit of a foot rub and a heat pad, and I left her looking a bit more relaxed (the Oxynorm she asked for might have helped a bit, come to think of it).

Well, she comes home tomorrow, so - who will write this blog tomorrow? Will there be an entry tomorrow? Will there even be a tomorrow, some philosophers ask?..... Only time will tell.

Well, it's been nice chatting to you, anyway.
16 days post-op,
signing off,

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